Thursday 20 February 2014

Out Came The Sunshine...

A little bit of a random post today, but if you're from the UK you will understand that a sunny day right now definitely warrants a blog post.

After a few weeks of what can only be described as rain on a biblical scale (don't even get me started on the gale force winds), the majority of the UK woke up on Sunday morning, and breathed a collective sigh of relief upon opening their curtains to find that mythical ball of fire in the sky we believe is known as 'The Sun'. The nation as one staggered bleary-eyed out of their homes to that fabled land of 'out of the house' with a sense of wonderment and an overwhelming need to explore this new land...

So that was just me right...?

Well judging by the amount of people we saw on our walk it was us and at least half The Wirral (and their dogs). There is a strategy that must be employed when living in this country: when the sun shines, get outside IMMEDIATELY (this is why we are often seen abroad with sunburn...).

Well that's exactly what we did on Sunday and it felt amazing to be outside and neither cold nor wet. Throughout the whole time we were away travelling I have really missed the British countryside, to the extent that we became a little bit addicted to watching old episodes of River Cottage when we were in Asia! This is the first day that we've really been able to get out and enjoy it. Now I say 'British' countryside but with the right camera filter it did look remarkably Australian...

Surprisingly there is a moral to my ramble today:

Being outside whenever you can is so important. A long walk outside is a great way to keep fit, especially if most of your training takes place inside in the gym. It's brilliant for enhancing your mood, and most people never really explore the place where they live.  Three brilliant excuses to be reaching for your wellies and getting outside this weekend.

SJ xxx